Sweet spot: Martha's Pantry

There's a Cafe in our neck of the woods that specialises in everything pink and frilly and quaint. Not in a tacky way, but in a high-tea-and-cakes-like-your-grandma-did-in-the-50s kind of way.

Martha's Pantry, Wellington NZ // Amy MacLeod, Five Kinds of Happy blog

And also in a milkshakes-you-can't-finish-plus-every-girl's-dream-of-sparkly-butterfly-cupcakes kinda way.

Martha's Pantry, Wellington NZ // Amy MacLeod, Five Kinds of Happy blog

And in a proper-Wellingtonian-coffee kinda way (but served in floral china with pink polka dot serviettes).

Martha's Pantry, Wellington NZ // Amy MacLeod, Five Kinds of Happy blog

Martha's Pantry, Wellington NZ // Amy MacLeod, Five Kinds of Happy blog

Martha's Pantry, Wellington NZ // Amy MacLeod, Five Kinds of Happy blog

Spending quality time with 3 generations of female relatives who we rarely get to see was even better. I love family time!

Speaking of cute Cafes, I suppose the vibe at Martha's Pantry is a little bit similar to Sweet Pea Cafe which you may remember from this post. So much goodness. Wellington is a huge cafe-hub and we are very fussy about the quality of our coffees. Lucky there are so many funky, artsy cafes to enjoy!

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