In ma belly: a healthy breakfast post

I don't think it's going to become a habit, but I've been getting really interested in healthy cooking lately and want to share this one recipe for a low-GI, protein-rich breafkast cereal. It's EASY and you can make it with a whole range of different things depending on what you have available.

Here's what I start with:

Healthy high protein, low GI breakfast cereal recipe 
Raw nuts (I've used cashews and walnuts. You can use any nut you like) and 2 types of seeds. I've used sunflower seeds for magnesium but if I had them on hand I'd also throw in chia seeds, linseed, whatever.

Whiz them up in a processor to a cereal-type consistency....
Healthy high protein, low GI breakfast cereal recipe

Like so. I've mixed mine separately so I can use them in different things, but you can just do them all together.
Healthy high protein, low GI breakfast cereal recipe

Mixy mix.
Healthy high protein, low GI breakfast cereal recipe

You end up with something like this:
Healthy high protein, low GI breakfast cereal recipe

Then throw in a handful of toasted oats. I roast mine on an oven tray with rice-bran oil (the healthiest oil for cooking as it has a high smoke point). You can also keep them raw but I think toasted is nicer.

Healthy high protein, low GI breakfast cereal recipe

Traditional museli is mostly oats with other things added - but in this case we're changing the ratio to have less oats than any other ingredient. I put in just enough to make it look like cereal. At this point you can add dried fruit etc to sweeten it, but I'm trying to make this REALLY low-GI which means no sweeteners at all. 

Healthy high protein, low GI breakfast cereal recipe
I find most bought snacks are processed or sweet. You know all those ground nuts and seeds you made at the start? You can whiz them down into a fine powder and use them to replace some of the flour/sugar in cookies and other baked treats. But maybe that's a recipe for another time.

Anyone else struggle to find healthy snacks?

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